How to Use Astrology & Manifestation for Success!

HOW TO USE ASTROLOGY & MANIFESTATION FOR SUCCESS!Be one of the first 100 people to sign up and you will receive the e-book version of my book The Power of Manifestation along with all 24 videos in this 12-week online workshop for only $150. Sign up now before those first 100 seats sell out! Isn’t your future worth it to you? Sign up now!

Regular price seats for this self-paced program still available at $150. Click on the paypal button below:


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Hands-On Blogging Basics

blog-academyWithin this three-hour course, you will gain a basic introduction to blogging, in general, and complete the following tasks: sign up for a practice blog via Blogger or WordPress, create your first post, and become familiar with customizable features. Participants usually come with a purpose for a potential blog, wanting to see a hands-on step-by-step instruction. But for those who are completely new to the concept of blogging, we will explore the reasons for and benefits of blogging. Why do you want to start a blog? As a personal on-line journal, to increase traffic to your business, to share your thoughts on politics, spirituality, or movie and book reviews? This is an interactive class that is personalized on the spot depending on students’ needs. Evon Davis, creative writing instructor at CFU, has a

Blog Your Way to Success

How Blogging Can Increase Your Income

Blogging can be an enjoyable pastime and also an excellent source of income. In fact, it is an essential part of today’s business world. In this interactive workshop, you will learn how to choose a blog topic, set up a blog, promote it, and earn revenue. Learn how bloggers make money, why niches are important, 20 critical blogging tools, 20 ingredients for a successful blog post, how to earn advertising revenue, sell products and services, and so much more. By brainstorming ideas in class, you will come up with a strategic plan, make a list of blog subjects and titles, and share ideas with your fellow classmates. Evon Davis, creative writing instructor at CFU, has a “lifestyle” blog, Warrior-Goddess Chronicles, that has been a cornerstone of her career. She will guide you through the steps to creating a successful, money-making blog. Class is an informational strategy/business class; if you want to learn the technical mechanics of setting up a blog, please sign up for CompuSkills #3411 Blogging Basics: Hands On Training also taught by Evon in our computer labs.

Code: 3337K

Groping in the Dark

GropingI think I should write a book titled, “How to Succeed Just by Groping in the Dark” because somehow I’ve managed to get this far by doing just that… groping in the dark.

I don’t remember when my fantasies of being self-employed first began to form, but I do remember them becoming strong enough after the shocking events on September 11, 2001 to get me to take action in that direction.

What’s Blocking You?

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