How to Use Astrology & Manifestation for Success!

HOW TO USE ASTROLOGY & MANIFESTATION FOR SUCCESS!Be one of the first 100 people to sign up and you will receive the e-book version of my book The Power of Manifestation along with all 24 videos in this 12-week online workshop for only $150. Sign up now before those first 100 seats sell out! Isn’t your future worth it to you? Sign up now!

Regular price seats for this self-paced program still available at $150. Click on the paypal button below:


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Online Writers Workshop

Flash Forward Anthology 2012Online Writers Workshop

Want the benefit of a weekly online writers workshop without the commute? Through this online writers workshop you can hone your skills with new techniques and fun writing exercises, then email what you’ve written (up to 1000 words per week) to instructor Evon Davis to receive some brief feedback and gentle constructive suggestions for improvement.

Structure and community are often missing in our writing lives, but there are ways to compensate.

Self-Empowering Communication

mind-300x300Do you ever wonder why your life isn’t as fulfilling and life-affirming as you would like?

What happens for most people — because it’s what we’ve all learned to do — is to automatically blame someone or something around us. Or sometimes we blame ourselves.

Many, if not most, of us are operating out of a system of low self-worth. The program runs on automatic so we don’t always hear the basic programming, yet it’s framing our reality, telling us what we are worthy of in our lives and what we are not worthy of.

But there are no objective facts to back it up. It’s all a story. It’s all about the core beliefs embedded in our psyches, starting from birth.

Fortunately, there are ways to change the programming. We can learn how to communicate with ourselves and others in ways that empower us to become fully actualized and communicate with others so they can know our authentic selves. We can be who we came here to be!

If you long to open your heart and feel your deepest desires, transform blocks, unlock and release energy, increase the flow of abundance, empower yourself, and shift into the beauty of your needs to create more fulfillment in any area of your life, please join

Plotting a Novel

The Bohemian Life CoverPlotting a Novel, Memoir, or Screenplay: The Structure That Holds It All Together

Mythic structure can be found in almost every myth worldwide from ancient times to modern-day blockbusters, like Star Wars, Harry Potter, and Avatar. This structure creates compelling stories and provides organization, giving you an essential tool for plotting a novel, memoir, or screenplay. Students will learn about the 12 stages of the hero’s journey and use those 12 stages to plot the main character’s journey. During class students will work with their own story ideas and turn them into functional outlines. Evon Davis has taught “Plotting a Novel” at Colorado Free University for over 8 years and has published a number of books, including The Bohemian Life and Pandora’s Box, a modern-day version of the myth.

Click on this link to register or call CFU at 303-399-0093

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Memoir Writing

In_the_Magic_Flow_largeYour Life in Print: Memoirs, Personal Essays, and Autobiographical Fiction

You have a story to tell and probably at least one book in you. Memoir writing is a valuable tool for understanding the meaning of your life, processing your experiences, and learning all that can be learned from them. It’s a way of turning profound moments into art and giving others the chance to learn and be moved by your life story. Learn what a memoir is and how to focus the themes and time-frames of your life in order to write a memoir. Learn the difference between writing a summary and describing a scene and how you can mix the two. Through discussion, reviewing sample memoir pieces, and in-class writing exercises, novelist and writing teacher Evon Davis will get you telling the story of your life.

Click on this link to register or call CFU at 303-399-0093

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Blog Your Way to Success

How Blogging Can Increase Your Income

Blogging can be an enjoyable pastime and also an excellent source of income. In fact, it is an essential part of today’s business world. In this interactive workshop, you will learn how to choose a blog topic, set up a blog, promote it, and earn revenue. Learn how bloggers make money, why niches are important, 20 critical blogging tools, 20 ingredients for a successful blog post, how to earn advertising revenue, sell products and services, and so much more. By brainstorming ideas in class, you will come up with a strategic plan, make a list of blog subjects and titles, and share ideas with your fellow classmates. Evon Davis, creative writing instructor at CFU, has a “lifestyle” blog, Warrior-Goddess Chronicles, that has been a cornerstone of her career. She will guide you through the steps to creating a successful, money-making blog. Class is an informational strategy/business class; if you want to learn the technical mechanics of setting up a blog, please sign up for CompuSkills #3411 Blogging Basics: Hands On Training also taught by Evon in our computer labs.

Code: 3337K

Visualize Your Dreams Come True

Treasure MapFocusing and setting intentions are essential to goal achievement, and one way to do this is to create a visual representation of your goal or a “treasure map.” In this fun, playful workshop, create a display board with lots of colorful images that can help you see very clearly your life’s vision.

First, envision your dream life, then trust your inner child’s creativity and intuition to form a map that will lead you toward manifesting and attracting your most passionate life dreams and goals. Even if you’re not sure what you want, your intuition can guide you through this free-flowing, brainstorming activity. Leave with your personal treasure map, and related resources, to pursue the manifestation of your goals. Evon Davis has taught the Law of Attraction workshop at CFU for seven years and has found that treasure mapping makes the law of attraction even more powerful.