This blog post is a companion to my video about Saturn in Capricorn, which occurs tonight at 9:49pm Mountain Time. I’ve been looking forward to this moment for a long time. In some sense I’ve been looking forward to it for about 30 years since the last time Saturn was in Capricorn. Its total transit in a sign lasts about 2.5 to 3 years, and it takes approximately 29 years to move completely around the Zodiac. In my opinion, Saturn is at his best when he is in Capricorn because Capricorn is his domicile. It is the location in which Saturn is best able to express his energy.
Saturn in Capricorn is going to be all about Integration & Alignment. I’ll discuss this in more detail in my video, but for this blog post, I want to focus on one specific aspect that I see, which is Integrating the Elements of Fire & Ice. I want to explore what that means.
First of all, I want to make clear that I come from a relatively “magical” perspective, but I want to explain what that means since many people may have preconceptions about what the word “magical” actually means.
The word “magical” has similar root meanings and origins to the words “mage,” “imagine,” “image,” “imagination,” “imagery,” etc. But what many people don’t understand is that the root meaning of the word “mage” is “make”. It means “to make”. A mage is simply someone who “makes” something. In a sense there is absolutely nothing magical about it… in terms of the meaning that the word conjures up for most people today.
So how did the simple word and concept of making something become so mystical and imbued with other-worldliness? How did it become aligned with the idea of the supernatural?
Maybe that’s because in truth there is something extraordinary and misunderstand about what it means to make things, either making objects, or making things happen. So on one level, it’s not mystical, supernatural, or other-worldly at all, but on another level it is.
I would suggest that perhaps by imbuing it with mystical, supernatural, and other-worldly powers, it was a way for certain people to maintain power and not share it with the ordinary, common masses. Sound familiar?
But what if we, the “ordinary” people, weren’t afraid of our own power? What if we weren’t afraid to truly “make” things, to “manifest” things, to be creators? What if we were willing to embrace our own magical powers without shame or fear?
So, without the shame and fear that some might equate to the use of “magic,” (now that you understand what it really means), I am going to use the language of magic.
Certain mages, spiritual knights, and shamans specialize in spells of a specific element, such as Lightning, Fire, or Ice. Ultimately all elements need to be integrated to fully actualize one’s power, but let’s start with two for now: Fire & Ice.
If you want to unlock your ultimate magical power and then integrate it into your own being, your own life, your relationships, your community, and eventually into your society, you’ll need to understand the basic concepts of Alchemy.
The basic idea of Alchemy is that all of us have “lead” within us. The lead is the clumped, repressed, unprocessed energy that is trapped in our beings. It’s the pain, the woundedness, the fear, anger, shame, anything that we can’t bear to look at, feel, acknowledge, or own. That is also known as the Shadow. Every human being has a Shadow. It is impossible to eliminate the Shadow.
Let me put it this way: Humans are the integration of Light and Shadow. We are the living rainbow. We channel the Light and Shadow energies and we integrate them. When the system is functioning at its highest level, there is complete integration. But when the Shadow has not been integrated, the energy becomes clumped and it clogs up the system so that the energy can not flow freely.
Ironically, the more energy is clumped and clogging up the flow of energy, the more it actually depletes us of energy and power. It leaks energy and power, like a house with shoddy construction.
So what I’m suggesting here is an Alchemical process called Integration. Because I’m using the language and imagery of Alchemy, I need to explain a few things so that you can understand the basics of Alchemy. It starts with what is known as the “Philosopher’s Stone.” It is the Philosopher’s Stone that allows Lead to be turned into Gold, which is basically the process of Integrating the Shadow, transmuting the Lead (the unprocessed, repressed, disowned pain, trauma, woundness, shame) into the Gold of Enlightenment in order to fully empower oneself.
The Philosopher’s Stone is simply one’s own Consciousness and Awareness. The more you polish your own Consciousness and Awareness, your own Philosopher’s Stone, the more capacity you have to integrate your Shadow. The Rainbow is where Light and Shadow meet.
The reason why I’m focusing on the elements of Fire and Ice in this particular post is because of the astrological alignments. It is they who are pointing the way.
The Fire Signs and their House Rulerships are: 1 – Aries; 5 – Leo; 9 – Sagittarius
Right now, astrologically, these three signs are highly activated. Uranus is in Aries, the North Node is in Leo, and we have a stellium in Sagittarius consisting of Mercury Rx, Venus, the Sun, and Saturn. They are making trines to both Uranus in Aries and the North Node in Leo. So the fire element is highly activated right now.
Although Capricorn is an Earth sign, it represents certain qualities of the Earth. We can understand this better when we consider the animal that represents Capricorn which is the goat. The most interesting thing about this Capricornian Goat is that it transforms. It begins as a sea goat. It swims in the deep waters of the ocean. Then it crawls onto the land and grows legs. It starts at the base, which is what we call “sea level” and it slowly climbs higher and higher until it reaches the summit of the highest mountain.
What’s interesting about that it the fact that there is water at the base (the seas and the oceans) and there is water at the summit (the snow and ice).
Fire is an element that represents inspiration. It is the Divine energy of Inspiration. It is the energy of action and creation. The Sun in Sagittarius is currently aligned with the Galactic Center. A gateway is opening for Divine Inspiration to come through for your creative expression. So embrace that Fire energy, but also understand that Fire can be destructive or creative depending on how it is expressed.
When integrated with the Icy energies of Capricorn and Saturn, you can bring that Fiery Cosmic Download through the Gateway and into physical manifestation. It is through the Integration of these energies that you become a powerful manifestor.
There is risk in wielding power, creative power. You are the tool for transmitting the Divine Inspiration and bringing it into manifestation. That’s why it’s so important to work on yourself as a transmitter for that Divine Inspiration. There is a relationship between risk, hazard, and vulnerability.
Today, Saturn is in the Fire Sign of Sagittarius, close to the heat of the Sun and trining the Chaotic Lightning Bolt, Uranium atomic energy of Uranus. It’s a powerful energy. Now we want to integrate it with the energy of cold, hard reality. Bring that fiery creative energy of Divine Inspiration through into physical manifestation. That is the lesson of Saturn moving from Sagittarius to Capricorn today.
As I mentioned above, the precise mathematical moment occurs at 9:49pm Mountain Time.
My suggestion for this moment in time is to take at least 15 minutes surrounding that particular moment for some quiet meditation, prayer, and contemplation. Turn it into a simple ritual. Light a candle. Allow yourself to sink into a quiet reverie. Call on your Higher Power. Then allow yourself to write down whatever comes into your mind. Do a timed writing for as long as you desire. Set a timer and keep your hand moving during that entire time. Do not stop. Do not censor what comes through. Just let it pour out onto the page and listen.
Normally my personal readings are $100 per hour.