Your Life in Print

Memoirs, Personal Essays, and Autobiographical FictionMemoir-Pen-Journal-Glasses

You have a story to tell and probably at least one book in you. Memoir writing is a valuable tool for understanding the meaning of your life, processing your experiences, and learning all that can be learned from them. It’s a way of turning profound moments into art and giving others the chance to learn and be moved by your life story. Learn what a memoir is and how to focus the themes and time-frames of your life in order to write a memoir. Learn the difference between writing a summary and describing a scene and how you can mix the two. Through discussion, reviewing sample memoir pieces, and in-class writing exercises, novelist and writing teacher Evon Davis will get you telling the story of your life.

Click on this link to register or call Colorado Free University at 303-399-0093.

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Pluto Visitations

imagesYesterday I had Pluto opposite my Ascendant. I remember mentioning it to a friend one day when we were at Fluid. It was snowing. I mentioned that I had this major alignment coming up related to self-empowerment and I planned to get an A+. Well, the day came and went.

It was Hell. Maybe not surprising. Pluto is the ruler of the Underworld (aka Hell). Life felt so flat, dull, boring, and meaningless. I slept through most of it. Couldn’t motivate myself to do anything. Had no inspiration. Was full of insecurity, self-doubt, self-hatred.

I tried to read several different books, but they all felt meaningless. Even Tama Kieves’ book, This Time I Dance. I went for a walk in the park. That was the only part of the day that really felt good. My roommate made dinner in the evening. I called a couple of people to see how they were doing. Then I went to bed.

I now have first-hand experience of Pluto opposite the Ascendant. All the demons came to visit. It’s retrograde, so when it goes direct, it will pass my Ascendant again on November 17th. Same day as the full moon. I’ll need to prepare myself. The universe is testing me.

So this is what to expect when Pluto is opposite your natal Sun or Ascendant. I was looking for more information and found this:

“This transit challenges your self-image and sense of purpose. You may be in a funk or else itching to fight your way out of the hole you’re in — probably a little of both. Since the Sun rules the person in charge, you may be under considerable stress.”